Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lean on Me

Its been a week since my diagnosis.... ok, nine days.  Today at church the sermon was on confession and how we need to confess to one another in order to be held accountable, to get support, and to see that all of us mess up.  Yes, ALL of us. 

Here's what I've done right this week. 
  • Filled my Metformin prescription
  • Ordered the grilled chicken nuggets and diet lemonade at ChickFilA
  • Went to the gym four times and walked around the block most of the other days
  • Ate breakfast most mornings
  • Drank lots of water
  • Didn't drink any soda (this is huge)
  • Laid off carbs and had thin crust pizza when that was available.  
  • Started this blog
  • Bought Cook This, Not That today at Kohl's ($5 as part of the Kohl's Cares for Kids program)
Here's what I've done wrong this week.
  • Ate macaroni with no protien
  • Had a Ding Dong (but just one!)
  • Didn't exercise at the gym enough
  • Ate spaghetti with no protein
  •  Didn't eat enough most days
  • Didn't track my meals
  • Didn't actually fill my Metformin prescription until Friday and didn't take my first pill until last night
  • Didn't eat near enough veggies
  • Had spaghetti... again
I'm sure there's more... maybe for both lists.   I'm gonna screw up.  That I know for sure.  But for me this isn't a weight loss journey.  Its a health journey.  I don't want to be a Diabetes patient.  One in this household is enough.  I want to teach our girls good habits (one eats too much, the other not enough).   I'm taking it slow and changing lifelong habits little by little.  

My biggest struggle right now is figuring out what to eat.  When I try to eat healthy I don't eat enough.  When you don't eat enough your body thinks its starving so it hangs on to the fat for survival.  A friend of mine recommended I use the MyFitnessPal app.  I'm going to try it this week and see if I can figure out how much I need to eat every day and then worry about WHAT I eat.  I get obsessed with not eating carbs.  I know your body needs carbs.  I just have to figure out the balance. 

Don and I went to the gym this afternoon and after about 10 minutes of listening to CNN say in 20 different ways that no one knows where the poor Malaysian airplane is, I flipped on my iPod and listened to music.  Lean on Me played in the last five minutes of our workout.  It made me think about a friend who came up to me after church today and told me she was following this blog to hopefully gain some encouragement in her own journey.  It is so hard to take care of yourself without some sort of support system.  I've tried and failed many many times.  This time I feel it will be different because Don is by my side.  He and I are doing this together.  Its much easier to workout when someone is sweating just as much right next to you. Find a friend to take a walk with.  Get someone to hold you accountable for your food choices.  Encourage someone fighting the same battle.  We are going to make mistakes.  ALL of us.  But let's lean on each other in the process.  We weren't put here to be all alone.  We are here to form relationships and strengthen each other. 

Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on

You just call on me, brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'll understand
We all need somebody to lean on


  1. You might want to try my plate also. It used to be the food pyramid and now it's called my plate. It shows you how much you should have on your plate for protein, fruit, and veggies. There is also a PCOS diet and they say that fruit and veggies should take up most of your plate. Amazing that I can tell you all this but can't do it myself. I can't wait for the farmers market to open up in Bartlett so I can get all the fresh veggies and fruit. I'm going to try and make a trip to the market downtown this weekend. I'm thinking of starting a blog of my own so I can try to keep myself accountable. If you need a walking partner just let me know. :)

  2. I'll walk with you anytime! Are ya'll still members at the Rec Center? If not you may want to consider Planet Fitness. Its only $10 a month and no contract (you sign something but you can cancel anytime). It truly is a place of no intimidation. Thanks for the tips!! I'll check out My Plate tomorrow!

  3. Hey! Good for you!
    Breakfast: Honey or Strawberry GREEK yogurt with a handful of any fresh berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries) and top with Granola.

    Snack: make 2 Tupperware containers: one with PLAIN almonds (Target sells a HUGE Archer Farms container) mixed with raisins and one a combo or baby carrots, baby sweet peppers (sold in large bags at the grocery store) and those baby cucumbers. Eat these as snacks throughout the day.
    Another great snack is a kiwi with some cottage cheese. Super filling, low carb.

    Dinner: In the morning before you leave put on the crockpot: a whole chicken (organic, free range a possibility?) stuffed with 1 chunked lemon and either an onion or 2 shallots and a spring or sprinkling of rosemary or thyme. Put the whole thing in the crockpot and generously sprinkle with a lemon pepper seasoning or Cajun seasoning. Turn on low. That's it. When it's done, just use a fork and remove the skin before serving. It will be sitting in wonderful natural juices you can turn into broth if you want. Let me know if you want that EASY recipe.
    My first serving of it, I use it shredded with roasted vegis and a huge salad.
    If you have left overs, use them in curry, enchiladas, tacos or whatever you want!
    The roasted vegis: pick your favorite combo: cauliflower, carrots, brussel sprouts and butternut squash OR cubed sweet potato OR green beans. Just lightly drizzle with EVOO, a sprinkling of salt and pepper/thyme or rosemary and roast them at 425 for around 20-40 mins. I like my lightly browned and tender.

    SALAD: Red leaf lettuce, or/mixed with BABY kale (tender like baby romaine), laciento (flat leafed and easier to chew) kale. Load it with yummy vegis: cucumber, tomato, beets, a sprinkling of quinoa if you want, carrots, craisins, pomegranate seeds, avocado, slivered almonds...whatever. Sprinkle with some Feta cheese and toss with a balsamic dressing. Make your own: juice from a lemon, 1/4 c equal parts red wine or balsamic vinegar and EVOO.
    Make this 1/3-1/2 of your plate, the other the roasted vegis and a good portion of the shredded cx.

    Big hugs, you're off to a great start!
