Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Second Verse, Same as the First

Two years later.....

I'm not able to control a lot of what is going on in my life right now.  Things are cattywhampus but I CAN control what I eat and how I exercise.  I will say I've lost a few pounds AND my cholesterol is better than its been in YEARS but I'm also still Pre-Diabetic or Insulin Resistant as some say.  My biggest issue is accountability.  I joined Run for God at church and was doing great until my foot began hurting.  Thankfully that has settled down so I'm ready to begin again.  And I know now that instead of quitting, I should have just adjusted my workout.

As I think I have said before, I'm not one for dieting... this is all about living healthier but not depriving myself of the things I love.  At this point, it is also for Gracie's health.  The kid is growing like a weed in height but she is also gaining weight too quickly.  I don't believe kids need to worry about weight. Their bodies are growing and changing every day and everything that goes with that is stressful enough without worrying about whether they are too fat or too skinny.  I think its the parent's responsibility to make sure the right foods are provided and encouraged and in that regard I have failed.  She would eat salads every single day if we just had the fixings available.  She LOVES veggies.   She is a very active kid but I know if we exercised together it would be helpful for us both.  I can't take her with me to the gym until she is 13 but our church has exercise equipment we can hopefully take advantage of starting next week.

I know a lot of my calories come from soda.  I LOVE Sonic ice.  Large drinks are 99 cents in the mornings before 10 and a Coke is like my version of coffee.  However I recently discovered they now serve green tea and I really like green tea.  A coworker mentioned they put raspberry flavoring in it and bingo!  The light bulb went off! Diet Green Tea with Lemon and/or orange!  I tried it the next day and now have a new favorite drink that only has 20 calories! That same coworker mentioned you can also get flavored water... GENIUS!!!  That's next on my list to try!  I get all the fun of a Styrofoam cup, straw, and Sonic ice for nearly zero calories!  See, that's a lifestyle change I can make!  Not to say I'll never get another Coke but it will make it much easier to save soda for a treat day.  These are the kinds of tips I seek and what I promise to share with you (if anyone is out there) when I come across them!

We all have Fit-Bits now too thanks to Santa.  I am terrible at remembering to charge mine.  However the one day I hit 10,000 I was elated!

So here's my plan as of today....
- Be a good girl and take all my medicines every single day (sometimes I get lazy)
- Drink mostly water or diet green tea with citrus
- Limit pasta to twice a week (baby steps....)
- Protein, Protein, Protein... not a fan of bars so this has to be  eggs, chicken, fish, cottage cheese...  (I know nothing about this website... it just had a good list of high protein choices... oh how I wish I liked Greek yogurt.)
- EXERCISE!!!  Use equipment at church as well as try the Zumba classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the dance classes at New Hope on Mondays or Saturdays.  Dancing is always a good choice for me.  It makes me feel like I'm just having fun and the time flies by!
- Be a good example for Gracie (and Kayla too)
- Find accountability... even if its just making sure I post here.
- Learn how to spell accountability without using spellcheck!

I'm on a new thyroid medicine that may or may not help jump start the old metabolism too so we'll see how that goes.  Thank you for following along... your comments will help motivate me so please chime in as you see fit (no pun intended!).


  1. Good luck, Betsey! Sounds like you have a plan in place.

  2. You've got the right outlook & attitude. I can learn alot from you! Great post!

  3. Work on drinking water, that should help you to lose weight & have more energy. You will
    also feel less hungry. It's Really hard at first but if you are consistent, your body learns to rely on it & it will make a very positive impact! My recommendation is getting a gallon jug & fill it w/water & carry it w/you at all times so that you don't worry about running out. I believe you are supposed to drink half your body weight in Oz's of water, per day.

  4. Yay! Now I need to follow suit and that includes finding out when I can go to water aerobics and GOING!
