I started this blog to chronicle my journey with Pre-Diabetes (My Story) but then Kayla became ill and my own health became second to hers. By last September she was weaning off the last of the steroids and was feeling more like herself... actually a better version of herself since her symptoms were under control. I was all set to go to my 6 month follow up with my endocrinologist and jump back on the bandwagon. The day before my appointment, Don went to the ER with high blood pressure and chest pain. He spent the night there and I of course cancelled my check-up with ever intention of rescheduling ASAP. ASAP didn't come until March and by then Dr. Goodman was booked until July.
All this to say yesterday I finally went to see Dr. Goodman. I was long out of the Metformin he had prescribed almost 18 months ago and told myself this appointment would just be a fresh start. I was very nervous and worried that he was going to read me the riot act for waiting so long and even more anxious that my A1C was going to show Diabetes (not that I've had symptoms thankfully). When I entered the waiting room, the first thing I saw was a sign announcing that Dr. Goodman was moving for Florida in October. Really?? Every time I find a doctor I like, they move or retire. I guess I can't say every... the girls have had the same Pediatrician since Kayla was 6 months old. I am very sad Dr. G is leaving because even though I had only seen him once, I liked his plan and his bedside manner which is a huge thing for me when it comes to doctors. The nurse called me back and took blood... lots of blood (they check my thyroid there too and who knows what else). I stepped on the scale and was pleased to see I'd lost five pounds. Five pounds is better than nothing. Blood pressure and pulse were good and Dr. G came in pretty quickly. I won't know about my thyroid numbers for a few days but my A1C was 6.2. EXACTLY what it was in March of last year. Still Pre-Diabetic but stable. I'll take it. I told him the Metformin messed with my tummy and he gave me samples of a different version that might work better. If they don't, I won't take anything unless I become diabetic. He recommended I give his partner a chance so I made a follow up appt in Feb to see him. Other than that it was a non eventful visit.
Now is the part where I'm on my own til February. Now is the part where I have to really dig in and make some changes. Oh if someone would please just invent a drive thru that sells grilled veggies!! I told Don I'd eat them if he would cook them. I hate to cook but I guess I'm going to have to learn to like it.
So here we go. Today on the way to work I stopped by Sonic to get my usual drink but I ordered Sprite Zero instead of a Coke. Took two sips and knew Sprite Zero is not for me. Drank my bottle of water instead. I had to work 10-4 which meant I'd have a lunch break. The fast food options are McDonalds and Taco Bell. There is a ChickFilA which offers grilled chicken nuggets and a fruit cup but in 30 minutes its hard to get there and back and still have time to eat. I called Rockin Dough which is in our shopping center intending to order a sandwich they offer that is veggie filled but no one answered the phone. Taco Bell it was. I had a chicken quesadilla for lack of better choices. I also got a small Mountain Dew. Baby steps people. Baby steps.
For dinner Don got a rotisserie chicken from Kroger and made corn and mashed potatoes. I know... corn AND mashed potatoes? But I had a small helping of the mashed and one baby ear of corn. I ate mostly chicken and it was pretty good. And I'm full. And if you are wondering what I had for breakfast, that's my biggest issue. I have to figure out how to fit breakfast into my day. I know its important. I know I have to eat in the morning. Once again, baby steps.
As for exercise today, walking around the store for 6 hours probably counts for something. Its not the gym but tomorrow is another day.
I know this is very train of thought writing and I'm usually a bit more sensitive about making my posts interesting and thought provoking and all inspirational but honestly right now I just need to write about what I'm eating and what I'm doing to get myself moving. In time I'll get back to more interesting stuff but this is how I know to keep myself accountable. To be completely honest I almost left out the part about the Mountain Dew but realized I'd only be hurting myself if I did. Some days will be better than others. My goal is to have more good days than bad but I know I will have the ones where I just want Mac and Cheese Damnit! I know part of the Weight Watchers theory is not to deprive yourself and I won't. But I'm also going to do my best to add veggies, pare down the carbs, and find more creative ways to make water interesting. And somehow, I'm going to make time for exercise! My head knows what I need to do. My 44 year old habits are going to take a while to change though. Thanks for hanging out with me in the meantime. If you feel like it, cheer me on in the comments or scold me for the Mountain Dew... whatever floats your boat. Here's to a healthier me!